Finding Hope in a World of Confusion
Yes, we exist in a place of confusion surrounded by personal and social strife. Our attention and time is being pulled in many different directions. The good news is there is a hope and peace that you seek, but you must be willing to separate yourself from the world and begin looking in a different direction. Please take the time to read our articles and join us here at ApostlePaul.Life to begin a new life.
The Latest
We are starting to organize Faith Festival 2025 for Blair County, PA area. If you represent a church or Christian organization, please sign-up for our email updates.
We are in the process of making a short film! We'll be using local actors, locations, media support, a music composer, and a movie producer. The plan is to promote it at various film festivals and for the film to be a resource for Christians and churches. You will hear more about it at the beginning of 2025.
ApostlePaul.Life is now on Spotify as an Audio Podcast. Check it out!
Featured Article
As humans, we naturally take things for granted. And isn’t it interesting that we seem to appreciate something more only when we…
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